33 characters are from three different colonies whose “roles” have become entrenched in society, and the level of inequality across the sector is huge. It’s a simplistic view, but Aries has become a production planet, while Cancer invents, and Gemini consumes.
Aries is a highly productive world, with high population involved in farming and mining. Union activity is strong, as is resentment against rule from Gemini. Military characters from Aries are rarely officers.
Cancer is a small world with sources of rare metals, that have led to it being the source of the highest technologies and home to tech factories. Most military officers are from the officer’s academy on Cancer.
Gemini is a small world settled by wealthy families and their retinues , a creator of arts and entertainment, and centre for commerce – a major importer of food, materials, and technologies – and home to the sector capital, Leda.
Military and Civilians
Nighthawks:33 characters are a mixture of military pilots from the battleship Castor, and civilian pilots rescued after the attack. Military pilots tend to look down on civilian pilots as lacking discipline and training, whille the civilian pilots think the military pilots are too rigid in their approaches.
Gold Wing
Gold Wing has always been seen as the Castor’s best fighter wing, and it likes to hold that reputation even as new pilots cycle through. There are some tensions with Red Wing, but they try to stay professional. Gold Wing has a reputation for being precise, and deadly. Gold Wing has been together as a team for many missions – and their Wing Commander strongly resists changing the team.
Judge (Gold-1): Wing Command, Arrowhead Pilot
Military Pilot from Aries
Member of the Navy Legal Corps who was on Castor to manage a trial when the Enemy Attack happened – Judge volunteered as an Arrowhead pilot, and it turned out they already had a lot of combat experience. After the original Gold-1 was killed in one of the Enemy raids, Judge was promoted to Wing Cammander. Judge is strongly loyal to Castor’s Command, but even more so to the pilots in their wing.
Positive Relationship: Razor. Negative Relationship: Dice
Snoopy (Gold-2): Wingman to Gold-1, Arrowhead Pilot
Military Pilot from Cancer
Snoopy has been an Arrowhead pilot on the Castor for years, and is a precise and disciplined pilot after launch. On the flight deck, they have a reputation for questioning everything – and lately their attention has been turned to those who arrived on the Charys. Snoopy can rub people the wrong way, questioning their motives and reasoning for what they do.
Positive Relationship: Rebound. Negative Relationship: Hardmode
Casper (Gold-3): Strike pilot, Arrowhead Pilot
Civilian Pilot from Cancer
Casper joined the Castor after the Enemy attack, arriving on the hospital ship Rogan along with Chaplain. As a qualified medivac pilot, they were quickly recruited into Castor’s defence. In an Arrowhead, Casper is an exceptional sniper – going dark, and popping up unexpected to snipe an Enemy ship that is undefended for a moment. On the flight deck, Casper is inquisitive, often asking others how they feel, and how they are coping.
Positive Relationship: Chaplain. Negative Relationship: Syd
Chaplain (Gold-4): Wingman to Gold-3, Arrowhead Pilot
Civilian Pilot from Cancer
Chaplain joined the Castor after the Enemy attack, arriving on the hospital ship Rogan along with Casper. They were in fact the chaplain on the Rogan, but were immediately assigned to an Arrowhead after a conversation with Command. Chaplain actually has the highest listed kills of any pilot on the Castor, but doesn’t share where they learned to fly like that. On the flight deck, Chaplain doesn’t come across as a former spiritual counsellor at all – flying combat missions seems to have hardened them a lot.
Positive Relationship: Casper. Negative Relationship: Razor
Rebound (Gold-NP): Nighthawk pilot
Civilian Pilot from Aries
Rebound is a former civilian shuttle pilot, carrying high value cargoes within the Helios system. They were rescued by the freighter Charys, when badly wounded, and volunteered for Nighthawk piloting once they’d recovered on the Castor. Rebound is vocally critical of Castor Command, saying that they believe Command know how the Enemy are tracking the Castor, and not telling the crew. Very distrustful of Gemini citizens, including Command.
Positive Relationship: Snoopy. Negative Relationship: Nomad
Grey (Gold-NN): Nighthawk jump navigator
Military Navigator from Cancer
Grey was a top-class military navigator, until they were dishonorably discharged after jumping a ship into the middle of an asteroid field. They arrived on the Castor via the freighter Charys, where they gained a reputation for resucing many people. On the flight deck, Grey can be sarcastic, and is sometimes seen as unreliable.
Positive Relationship: Syd. Negative Relationship: MT
Red Wing
Red Wing has a rivalry with Gold Wing thats usually friendly, but occasionally becomes personal. They’re individually less orthodox, but have good mission results. Red Wing has a tradition of not counting their kills – they count successful missions as a team instead, and it may be a sore point that kills ranks Gold Wing as “best”. Red Wing has lost less pilots than any other wing on the Castor. Red Wing has recently been reshuffled, with some pilots transferred to Blue Wing, and replacements joining – so they are finding their feet as a team.
Razor (Red-1): Wing Command, Arrowhead Pilot
Military Pilot from Aries
Razor is exactly the sort of person you’d expect to be a wing commander on a battleship under duress. They are determined, professional, and focussed on the mission. Everything they do in flight is sharp and calculated. Razor is determined to keep their entire wing alive, which is sometimes challenging. They’re sometimes pushy and direct, although its meant with kindness.
Positive Relationship: Judge. Negative Relationship: Chaplain
Dice (Red-2): Wingman to Red-1, Arrowhead Pilot
Military Pilot from Cancer
Dice has been on the Castor as a pilot for years, but has never been promoted because they take too many risks. Dice lost a lot of friends when they were part of Bronze Wing, but is determined not to lose another – and has persuaded Razor to take them into Red Wing, where they can prove themselves in a new way. This will be their first shift with Red Wing. On the flight deck, Dice swings between being quiet and subdued, or overly friendly. They haven’t found their place in Red Wing yet, socially.
Positive Relationship: MT. Negative Relationship: Judge
Hardmode (Red-3): Strike pilot, Arrowhead Pilot
Civilian Pilot from Aries
Hardmode was once a union activist, later a smuggler, and most recently a Nighthawk pilot rescuing civilians on the Charys freighter. Hardmode is an adventure seeking pilot with a deserved reputation for skill, and they were moved into a Red Wing Arrowhead soon after arriving on the Castor. Hardmode is very wary of talking about what happened on the Charys, but is otherwise friendly and sociable.
Positive Relationship: Nomad. Negative Relationship: Snoopy
MT (Red-4): Wingman to Red-3, Arrowhead Pilot
Civilian Pilot from Aries
MT is a new pilot, who has only done training flights in space. However, they have one of the highest scores on the Castor flight simulator, dispite an apparant lack of actual combat and flight experience. How did MT get so good? Are they just a natural? And will they be as good when under real Enemy fire? On the flight deck, MT seems to be determined to be taken seriously by the rest of Red Wing, and prove they’re really the best wing on the Castor.
Positive Relationship: Dice. Negative Relationship: Grey
Nomad (Red-NP): Nighthawk pilot
Civilian Pilot from Gemini
Nomad is a former corporate VIP shuttle pilot, who used to fly Aeneas Corporation executives around the Helios system. They arrived at the fleet on the Aeneas corporation flagship, but immediately transferred to fly Nighthawks in defence of the fleet, against the objections of their corporate bosses. Reliable and dependable pilot, rarely takes unnecessary risks. On the flight deck, Nomad is socialable generaly, but cagey about their corporate past.
Positive Relationship: Hardmode. Negative Relationship: Rebound
Syd (Gold-NN): Nighthawk jump navigator
Civilian Engineer from Cancer
Engineer “Syd” Sydell is a former Aeneas corporate tech designer who disappeared a few years ago, and resurfaced on the Charys when it conducted its mission to rescue civilians and join the Castor. Syd invented the small jump drives that the Nighthawks use, and is an all round engineering genius. They are treated with some suspicion by Castor Command, and have been assigned to a navigator’s chair rather than Engineering, something that frustrates them enormously. On the flight deck, Syd is quite vocal about the quality of engineering – but says they have been ordered not to discuss what happened on the Charys.
Positive Relationship: Grey. Negative Relationship: Casper